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Southern Strides - Equine Services

A conversation between Hollywood and Abbi

A conversation between Hollywood and Abbi (click for Video)

This video was created as a teaching tool for our students. As an instructor, when I watch this video, I am slightly overwhelmed (in a good way) by how many lessons can be taught from Abbi and Hollywood’s interaction in this video. Many who might watch this video may think it’s simply a young girl learning to train a horse, but there is so much more happening in this 60 foot diameter of space.
There are numerous points of horsemanship training that could be discussed, but I can’t help but focus on what the experience is like for both Hollywood and Abbi. Questions in my mind include what are they both feeling? What are they both thinking about? Is this an enjoyable or horrible experience for one or both? Does either feel connected to the other? Is there healing happening in these moments that can’t be seen? Oh my goodness, my mind could ask a hundred questions, but the truth is….. life is happening between them in that round pen. They both are utilizing life skills such as trust, the art of communication- verbal and especially nonverbal, coping with intimidation, working on giving and receiving respect, controlling emotions, maintaining boundaries, and many more….
But through it all it’s quite obvious, the best part is they are educating each other on how to build each other’s confidence.
As equestrians, it is very important that we think about the conversations between ourselves and our four-legged partners. How do they perceive us? What are the interactions like for them? How the horse feels about their human will be a determining factor of their success as a team. In my earlier years, I will admit I didn’t think deeply about the horse’s experience with me. If I’m being honest, my approach might have been slightly on the selfish side. I have always known that horses will complete the tasks that we ask of them mainly because of their desire to please. It wasn’t until later in life I realized that many of the tasks that I ask of them (run a barrel pattern, jump, etc) goes against their instinctive nature, but because they have learned to trust, they do it my way. If they could roll their eyes, I’m sure they would have at some of my request! Today, my heart is full of gratitude for all my past and present equine partners that have educated me about life and relationships, and also that I can share my insight and experiences with my students.