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Southern Strides - Equine Services

Do horses hold a grudge??? Hollywood does!

Horses and humans have a lot in common when it comes to the topic of emotions. Just as humans can feel happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger, be playful, joyful and many other emotions, so do horses. And yes, they can even hold a grudge…especially Hollywood. Over the last year, Hollywood has been struggling with a health issue involving his right foot. We have tried so many medical options to help him and he truly deserves a gold medal for the level of patience he has maintained through it all. But…even being the rock star that he is, when it comes to taking medicine he acts like a “big baby!” When it comes time to give him his medicine, he lifts his head just high enough that I can’t reach his mouth and holds his nose straight up in the air. Of course, I growl at him and instruct him to lower his head. At 17’2 hands and over 1200 pounds, Hollywood could choose to show me his power, but he is always respectful by immediately lowering his head for his medicine. He then holds the medicine in his mouth and refuses to swallow it until minutes later. To be honest, I really don’t like him being mad at me so I take him for a walk thinking he will love me again…..wrong! Once he is back in his stall, he turns his back, will not face me, and profoundly pouts! As his medicines are given at mealtime, one would think that he would begin eating once he has his dinner….wrong again! Hollywood stands at his feed bucket and the hay bin and stares at me but refuses to eat. After a few nights of wondering why he wasn’t eating, my husband informed me that he always eats his meal…after I leave the barn!
My initial thoughts after my husband told me were “what a booger!” Later, I realized that in order for Hollywood to be a little resentful it really is a testament to the relationship we share. Hollywood may not understand that giving him medicine to alleviate his pain is one way I demonstrate my love for him, but through his protest, he is still respectful in allowing me to give it to him. Like humans, after something happens in our lives that upset us we need time to be mad and forgive, but more times than not, the anger or pain is not managed properly and grudges develop sometimes even for life. In my opinion, horses are fantastic therapists that specialize in relationship dynamics. Our team works daily with clients whose personal grudges have led to the destruction of close relationships and marriages, and our herd has been able to help them discover where healing is needed.
Fortunately, Hollywood seems to understand the importance of forgiveness and moving past a difficult moment in time because his grudge only lasts a few moments and then he’s back to loving me again. My takeaway lesson from Hollywood was he just wanted his objection to the medicine to be recognized, but his respect and love for me prevailed. Hollywood is a beautiful soul that has always been slow to anger and quick to love. Whether it’s getting his medicine or other lessons in life, Hollywood always finds unique ways to communicate, and demonstrates the perfect balance of maintaining self-control, respecting boundaries, and letting love reign!