Train Like An Equestrian Wellness Program
Like most athletes, equestrians require a healthy lifestyle to help them bring their best for equine partners. Having a healthy lifestyle starts with a good balance of physical, mental, emotional and psychological wellness. This includes, but is not limited to, proper amounts of physical activity, rest, stress reduction, time management, nutritional balance, identifying bad habits and dysfunctional behavior, and doing our best to maintain healthy relationships. Change is difficult even when it’s something we really want, but don’t know how to go about it. Our team will assess for the imbalances, and help identify barriers that could prevent clients from reaching their life goals.
We will develop an individualized plan to help meet the client’s physical, mental, emotional, and psychological needs. Topics that are addressed in a client’s plan include, but are not limited to:
- Personal Fitness Training and Regeneration
- General and Sports Nutritional Coaching
- Strength, Balance, and Flexibility Training
- Stress Management Education
- Improving Self-Control
- Time Management Skills
- Deeper Understanding of Self
- Relationship Dynamics
- Setting Boundaries
- Develop Problem Solving Skills
- Improving Confidence and Self Esteem
- and Much More…….
Within three months of working with our team, clients have seen the following improvements:
- Decrease in Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
- Decrease in HDL, LDL, and Triglyceride Cholesterol Levels
- Decrease in Blood Glucose Levels and Improved Diabetic Management
- Decrease in Body Weight and Mass
- Improved Cardiovascular Health, Stamina, and Endurance
- Decrease in Anxiety and Depression
- Increase in Confidence and Self-Esteem
- Improvement in overall general health and feeling good!
Our wellness program is designed to help equestrians feel connected with their equine partners by training in an environment that utilizes all the same tools and obstacles that we use to train our horses such as cavaletti’s, barrels, poles, logs, jumps, hills, hay bales, etc. and combine it with conventional fitness equipment and training strategies. There is no end to our creativity and the challenges that our team creates to help clients exceed their goals. The classes and workshops are held in the barn, arena, classroom and pastures with the horses….just in case you need to grab a hug from one of them for encouragement to keep going! Another factor that makes our program very different than most is our coaches are highly trained to help clients identify mental, emotional, and psychological barriers that have hindered them from achieving their goals in the past. Our team strives to help clients work through thresholds and teach them coping skills to overcome!
Our services are provided in individual, family, and group sessions, as well as workshops.